Sunday 24 March 2013

COLLEGE 3 BRIEF: 'The Manchester Design Festival'

'...consider ideas for a future festival of design to take place in Manchester. You will work in small groups in response to the project brief which asks you to focus on process rather than product. The project is deliberately open as you will be generating the content rather than responding to a set brief.'

'...about the possible rather than pre-existing formats, it asks you to speculate, to push boundaries and to test ideas through a variety of different media and materials'

'You are encouraged to think of design as a process involved in problem solving and communication rather than thinking in terms of commercial ʻendʼ products.'

The quotes above are snippets of my chosen college three brief: to create ideas for a future Manchester Design Festival using 'blue sky thinking/becoming' techniques. 
The partners for this project are Manchester City Council (created the brief) and Bench (we will be based at their studio).