Sunday 6 November 2011


 I decided to use Anthony wilson as my starting point for this first project. The main reason I decided on Tony Wilson was because I already knew that he had an interesting background and I'm also interested in the music scene that he was involved in. 
 I started by researching his background in the music industry and Factory Records and watched clips of interviews hoping to hear snippets of information or quotes that I could incorporate into my work.
I picked PRINTED TEXTILES as my first workshop as I wanted to look into designing and making textiles for fashion related to the subject that I'd chosen. Therefore in the first part of my sketchbook i used black and white but bold images as I was exploring different options that I could use for my screen. Eventually I started to add more and more colour to add more interest to my work. The colours that I decided to work with linked to the colours that were associated with Factory Records such as yellows, black and metallics. These are also the colours that I used for my prints.
 My second choice of workshops was WEAVE. I also thought this would fit nicely with my project and with my first workshop. I have used similar colours for this workshop as I used for print however I am now looking at the MADCHESTER era in my sketchbook and would like to use a wider variety of colours. 

 I do have a methodology within my sketchbook that has been running alongside the workshops however I think I need to think about structure a little more throughout my work. It may help my ideas to flow a little better.
 I also think I need to do a few more drawings and maybe use a few more photos throughout my sketchbook to use as visual resources for my samples and to broaden the basis of my work. 
 Another thing I don't think I have enough of is contextual resources. I have a few references in my sketchbook but I could look for more contextual links to my work. 
 Overall I'm happy with the work I have been producing but i also think that I could push my ideas a lot further than I have already. 

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