Monday 21 November 2011


I decided to pick weave as my second workshop as I have never done any weaving before and I'm interested in creating textiles for fashion so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to broaden my skills as a designer.
For my warp I chose colours that would link to my current project (origins) such as dark blues, yellow and black.
The initial set up of the loom took quite a while but I got the hang of it as the sessions progressed. Finally time to start weaving!
I tested a few different patterns and a few different wefts before starting my samples to make sure my weaving would have the right look and feel for my project. I tried to use more industrial/ hard yarns rather than the softer more natural yarns.

I got the idea to use pockets in my weaving to capture objects/ images that link to my project (holding on to bits of the past).

My Wall Piece...

I decided to use this sample as the wall piece for my assessment as it combines print with weave and I think it captures the essence of my project well.

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