Sunday 19 February 2012

SAMPLING Evaluation...

I am very pleased with the samples I have produced throughout the whole of the sampling unit however I am especially pleased with how the second half of my project has developed. I produced a lot more research than in the first half and I have enjoyed working towards more of a goal. I think my drawing and time management skills have improved again and the experimental side of my practice has gained a little more momentum. I have been working hard in the weave room nearly every day to produce my samples and this has lead me to discover that I think woven textiles is the main area of practice that I would like to develop, even though I have really enjoyed print and I thought that that would be my favoured discipline. 

In my personal brief I wrote about looking at colour more than imagery, which i have done however imagery has played a bigger part in my weaving than I had first anticipated and I have found this to be a good thing as it links the first and second half of my project well. 

I have tried to think about structure in my weaving by adding extra weft and using other techniques such as seersucker and floats rather than just thinking about a flat surface however after finishing the samples I have come to realise that maybe some of these techniques would not suit fabrics for fashion which I originally was aiming towards. The thicker fabrics may be more suitable for interiors or just pieces of art however I could think about toning them down or making them thinner to make them more suitable for fashion.
 A contemporary weaver called Laura Thomas inspired me in the structure of my weaving and also to think about how I can manipulate my woven samples after being taken off the loom. 

 'Loose Threads- Emerald'

For example I decided to weave some cream/ white samples to dye after being on the loom as I found I really enjoyed dip dying fabrics whilst using print in the first half of the project. I also thought this would make a good link between the two halves.

Overall I think that this project has been a success however an area I could work on is contextualising and using more influences from contemporary artists which is what I will aim to do in future projects. I think I will also continue to use more than one sketchbook in my projects as it has worked well for me to have a separate book for research and drawings, I find this helps me to research and draw more out of my subject matter.


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