Wednesday 8 May 2013

The Logo

This logo, in the first instance, represents a 'void'. Secondly it represents the organic growth of our festival, spreading and flowing from one point in the city outwards. 
I created this logo by dropping ink onto a dampened piece of paper and letting it spread. I used black ink as it is a simple, uniform colour and it's also bold. When i think of a void I think of a black hole, hence the denseness of the logo. I then scanned the image in and intensified the colour by altering the contrast settings. Finally I added the title of our festival using our chosen font; Helvetica Neue, for a uniform look. 
We thought it was important to have an overall logo for promotion purposes so we do not confuse the public and in doing so put them off attending the events. It also brings all of the separate elements of our work and events together.

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