Friday 17 May 2013

VOID - Evaluation

I feel that this project has been extremely productive and helpful to me as a creative/ designer. 
Working in a group has helped me to learn new skills across a variety of areas and opened my eyes to the possibilities within art. It has been an experience that has consisted of highs and lows, but mainly highs! Working closely together every day creates brilliant opportunity and an interesting melting pot of ideas. Whilst working in this unit x group, I have discovered that ideas can be taken so much further in a shorter space of time and feedback from others in the group can help your own work to evolve into art of a higher quality. 
However I think we also feel that working in a group that is possibly too large can stop the ideas in their tracks which we learnt when a couple of people joined our group a week in, when we had already got the ball rolling on our shared ideas. However working through this we found that communication is key, and keeping up to date on each other's work can help to spur your own work along. I also learnt that involvement and compromise   are essential.

There has been many things I have learnt from my fellow students such as delegation skills (Martina), practical skills, such as ways of experimenting with unexpected materials, and I have also learnt that film can be a brilliantly impressive tool to use within a project and for pitching to clients. I learnt this from Tom's research video which got spades of positive feedback. Therefore I will be looking at using this method within future projects. I feel like I have gained a wealth of knowledge from my group for which I am grateful. I think I work well whilst collaborating with other artists and I will be looking to do this again soon.

Working in a group gave me a push to further my own ideas and also to use methods that I don't usually think about using. For example my main practice this year has been print design for fashion however in this project I have used methods such as embroidery, 3D construction and sculpture. I have really enjoyed using these methods and it has made me realise that maybe combining these with print would be a way forward within my own practice. 

We had ideas within our work that sometimes we could not show in their true form, however we found ways of presenting our ideas through more lo-fi methods which I think was a skill we all learned throughout the project. Using this skill of representation can help people to see your ideas on a larger scale and it helps to push other wise small scale ideas a lot further.

Ending this project, I feel that as a group we have worked together tremendously well and I could see us working together again on projects similar to this. We have been asked to work on a project for the new Art and Design building opening in October which is a testament to all of the hard work that everyone in the group has thrown at this project whole heartedly from the very beginning!

On a more personal note I have been approached by a fashion student who would like to collaborate with me on a future project which I am very excited about. I feel that I can use all of the skills I have learnt from this experience to work with her in a productive and exciting way and I will carry on using this knowledge throughout my creative career.

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