Tuesday 8 May 2012


Danusha Komar –CV
GCSEs- 12 GCSEs grades A* to B
AS Level- Art A, Design B, Photography B, Sociology A
A Level- Art A, Sociology B, Design C
 Art Foundation Year (Manchester Metropolitan University) – Merit
Degree- BA Textiles in Practise (Manchester Metropolitan University) – 2011-2014
JD Fashion Group Plc – October 2010- present
Part time Senior Sales Assistant.
As a senior sales assistant in the Adidas Originals shop in the Trafford Centre, I am in charge of my own section and staff on a regular basis on weekdays and on busy weekends. I am in charge of dealing with customers’ queries, managing staff and merchandising, which involves my creative skills as an artist/ designer. This means making sure that new or high selling lines are of prominent place in the shop and also making sure that the colour ways match and that the shop is looking its best at all times. It has also helped me to develop my interpersonal skills and time management.

I have always loved art and design from an early age and I have always been around art as my mother is an artist herself. For my GCSEs I chose as many art and design based subjects as possible which included an extra after school GCSE: Textiles. I gained A*s to As in all of my art based subjects (Art, Textiles, Design). Similarly in my AS Levels I chose to do an extra in the form of Photography. I gained a B in my Photography AS and it taught me techniques and methods a normal art A level could not.
I enjoyed my foundation thoroughly and it helped me to decide which particular area of art and design I wanted to go into (textiles). I also found during this time that I love to bounce ideas off other people and to work with other people to come up with new exciting ideas. I enjoyed my foundation at MMU so much that I decided to stay for my degree. I chose the BA Textiles in Practise degree because I thought it would give me a wide base of textiles skills and allow me to keep my options open as to which specific discipline I would finally go in to. So far the course has given me all of these things and my skills in many areas such as weaving and print have developed and are still developing. The course is big so I can carry on bouncing ideas off people and gaining new experiences every day.
I take inspiration from many aspects of life however my work tends to veer towards past movements and subcultures and peoples mental health and state of mind. For example I recently did some work based on the Hacienda and the Factory movement in 1990s Manchester for which I created both prints and weaves. I have in the past used natural world inspirations which I have enjoyed also.
My work tends to focus on colour and excitement. I love to combine colours to create eye-catching pieces and designs, mainly for fashion however some of my work could be used for interiors. I am not set on one particular discipline however I love to use weaving and print as the colours and effects I can create lend well to my work.
I am currently doing work about inkblots and marks related to Manchester for Unit X in which I am to produce a piece of work for the new Art school building. I am choosing to make my design interactive as I want people to be able to create art work with it. This has been challenging however it has also been exciting and a great chance to learn about art projects outside of university and to network with other people.
Tony Radcliffe- MMU foundation, Grosvenor Building, Oxford Road.
Kate Egan- MMU BA Textiles in Practise course leader.
Peter Harding- Manager, JD Sports Trafford centre.

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