Friday 18 May 2012

Making Patterns With Pixels???

Interactivity in my project is very important and I'd like the new students to be able to create different patterns with the final installation.

  However I'd love the imagery to be changeable as well, and I think it would be a great idea to allow students to showcase their own work on the installation as part of the ever changing new art school. Therefore, instead of the tiles being made of glass or resin with the imagery trapped inside, as I had originally planned, the tiles will now be digital with the ability to move and have imagery uploaded onto them.
I've been playing around with my Manchester inkblot images to see what kind of patterns can be made with them in 'tile form'. Because the original images are made with inks, the patterns and marks which become apparent are soft and delicate but also strong in colour which i love! The images could change at regular intervals with the different inkblots I've created until a student books the screens to exhibit their work for an amount of time.

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