Thursday 11 April 2013

Inspirational Quotes...

On Manchester...

Hayley Flynn (writer - "I've seen some remarkable things, and some things that we assume to be      unremarkable... I've sadly discovered how our heritage can mean so little to those who matter, with new developments being put before restoration even when locations are protected, or poor decisions leading to important buildings being left to rot. MANCHESTER ISN'T A COCKSURE CITY LIKE THE MADCHESTER SCENE LED PEOPLE TO BELIEVE; IT'S ALSO A CHALLENGING CITY TO LOVE BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO WORK AT IT." (interview in 'The Skinny')

Jon Hannan (OWT Creative Collective) - "...There has been a shift in expectation from an acceptance that the more ambitious designers would have to move to London to fulfil their potential, to a genuine belief that they can now fulfil these ambitions here...Today I think Manchester is an optimistic, modern city of collaboration." (interview in 'The Skinny')

On Design...

Kevin Hunt (Sculptor) - "I'm really interested in the point where an object stops being just an object and becomes sculpture... I like to think in becoming sculpture, this inherent sophistication is revealed and the objects are now free to exist as the things that they really are." (interview in 'The Skinny')

On Design Festivals...

Public Design Festival (Milan) - 'How is it possible to make the environment surrounding us more comfortable,   
                                              beautiful and functional?'
                                              'Experience the city.'
                                              'Imagining how the city could be and trying to awarely redesign it.'

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