Friday 19 April 2013

Secret Promotion

We wanted the promotional elements of our 'night time festival' to have an element of secrecy and mystery to juxtapose against the inevitable obviousness of the day time design festival. We wanted the promotional tools to reflect the underground, growing nature of the events.

We talked about a few different ideas such as:

Hidden Writing (Steganography)
Magic eye (Stereograms)
Glow in the dark messages.

These promotional tools would be handed out or shown within the daytime festival to give people snippets of information about the forthcoming events such as dates, times, locations, without making the exact details too obvious as to expel mystery. We realise that people need details and encouragement to attend events such as this, and so we are relying on daytime promoting to make it obvious that these events are linked to the design festival. We also think that although secret messages are the main tool we would like to use, they cannot be too difficult to figure out as it may put people off attending events and just giving up. Word of mouth will also be important as the idea of growth is key. Hopefully as the nights progress, more and more people will learn about the events and artists that are collaborating within them, and check it out themselves.

I decided to look further into the Stereograms and came up with some possible flyer/poster ideas...

'Magic Eye'

I have used some of my photographs from the 'Speed of Light' event that I attended in March to create these stereograms as the imagery fits in perfectly with our ideas for the festival. They are also bright, eye catching and fun which I think will help to play on the public's interest. I will carry on looking into this area and refine the images for the final exhibition!

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