Tuesday 23 April 2013

Interim Pitch

Today we had our 1 week interim pitch at Bench. We got some amazing feedback that has spurred us on to experiment further and keep going with our non-commercial ideas! 

Some good feedback points were:

  • Lo-fi experiments
  • Audience participation
  • Linking Salford to Manchester
  • Working together in an interesting and productive way
  • Regeneration ideas
  • Non-commercial
  • Exciting and engaging concept
The experiments within the pitch really excited the audience and they will be something that we will be furthering and possibly using in our final pitch.

Some points of creative criticism/pointers were:

  • Decide on a specific name
  • Make it clear in the next pitch that our festival is an alternative layer
  • Make sure that the final pitch is clear and concise.
  • Create a list of possible collaborators (artists/ designers etc)
  • Create a clear manifesto

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