Saturday 20 April 2013


Carsten Nicolai

Carsten Nicolai is a German artist who works in the field of sound and vision. He plays on sensory perception of sound and light through installation, performance, drawing and film. The intersection of visual and audio materials is a key, reoccurring feature in his work. His work 'Anti-Reflex' (above) consists of two differently constructed spaces. One is 'Anti', the other 'Reflex'. Within 'Reflex', a white dodecagon, white noise is through speakers mounted on each side of the structure which creates an auditory illusion of being in a completely different space. This may suggest that we may be able to see something that isn't there through the use of sound modification. 

This may be an interesting point to develop upon for our festival, giving people a totally different experience of a space or Manchester that they could not experience without the use of sound. Playing on the senses to create an unexpected experience.

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