Monday 22 April 2013

Sensory Pods

We started to think about areas in the festival where people could rest, gather their thoughts, cleanse their senses and socialise with other festival goers.

I wanted to use large textiles spaces to involve my practice within the festival. I chose cotton as there are strong connections with the old textile industry in Manchester. I played around with sewing the cotton into different shapes and eventually decided on a hanging pod like structure. These pods would be scattered throughout the chosen festival area with different, gentle sensory experiences inside. Some may be completely dark. Some may have other tactile installations within them. Hannah.S and I have been experimenting with glow in the dark resin tiles, and Hannah (Sulek) has being creating glow in the dark pouches which could possibly be hung inside the sensory pods. We realise that there is a need for relaxation spaces within festivals but we did not want our spaces to be too far removed from the experiences of our events.

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